Construction Handbook



This handbook is not here to restrict your buildings. It is here to guide you on how you can build and provide examples of what you can and cannot do and explain why, so that you can once again explore different bases whilst being provided with basic guidelines and examples.

Welcome to the building handbook. In this document you will find all of the key information needed to build legal bases which abide by all of the rules. It will cover the basic defences that you can and can’t use with reasoning as to why, this means your constructions are not limited to what is contained in this guide, but instead are well-informed on how you can build legal bases and have templates to base your constructions on. So long as your builds correspond with the rules that are explained in the contents of this handbook, you should be free to experiment and create your own unique defences (however, if you are not sure if they are allowed or not; always use the F6 function in order for a staff member to come and check the base design).

Construction Rules

This section will dive into more detail about the construction rules to help you better understand them and avoid breaking them.

Basic Guidelines

To make life a lot easier, there are some basic guidelines in place. These guidelines must be followed at all times. They are as follows:

  • When building defences, you must make sure 2 players can fit through any gaps at all times, with only a few exceptions.
  • The only props to be placed on top of barricades are spotlights.
  • The only props to be placed in front or behind of barricades are fences and bookshelves.
  • You cannot stack metal detectors or chain link fences.
  • Your props should be physically supported at all times, with a few exceptions.
  • You must not create defences that provide near or full one-way visibility. This includes headglitches.
  • You may only have a maximum of 3 spotlights pointed towards one general area.
  • Spotlights next to each other - or a defence - should have at least shoulder to shoulder width of the defender standing between them.
  • When shooting between two props in a defence, the defenders full head and upper torso should be visible. The width of such gaps should be the entire width of the defenders head and part of their torso.
  • You cannot stack barricades on top of each other.
  • You may only place defence props within the confines of buildings you own, or have access to. This only applies to base constructions.
  • You cannot use any type of sign as part of a base defence


We recommend that you read rule 3.6 in addition to this handbook before constructing a base defence. This rule covers the basics of what is and isn’t allowed when creating bases.

If you place props but allow other players position and freeze them, you are responsible for what they construct. If constructions of theirs are found to be against the rules, it is likely that you will be the one who is punished for it. Always make sure that other players place your props in a way that is permitted within the rules.

Here is a list of the most common props that are allowed to be used in defence building:

  • Concrete Barricades
  • Chain Link Fences and Wooden Fences
  • Spotlights
  • Bookshelves
  • Metal Detectors
  • Wooden Planks


You can use as many of these props as you please, so long as they follow the basic guidelines & rules found above. Here is a list of the most common props that are not allowed to be used in defence building:

  • Marble Busts
  • Metal Shelves
  • Fridges
  • Microwaves
  • Pots
  • Stoves
  • Pumpkins & Snowman
  • Shade Lamps
  • Sofas and Chairs
  • Televisions
  • Pianos
  • Image items (frames, flags, signs etc)


Keep in mind that placing any of these props in a property may be deemed allowed if they do not contribute to the defence to any degree and if the building is being used for non-profit purposes.

One Way Visibility & Head Glitches

A headglitch is a construction which masks the head and/or shoulders of a defender standing behind it. One-way visibility is a construction that otherwise causes you to become invisible or incredibly difficult to see.

Below are some examples of headglitches and one-way visibility:

ExampleGood ExampleBad
NotHeadglitch01 Headglitch01
NotHeadglitch02 Headglitch02
NotHeadglitch03 Headglitch03
ExampleBad ExampleBad
oneway1 oneway2

Headglitches and one-way visibility come(s) in many shapes and forms, any form of either of the aforementioned is not allowed and will be removed. As well as this, the player that owns the prop(s) will be notified and potentially punished if deemed necessary.

Under no circumstances should a user place anything above a concrete barricade, as shown below. It oftentimes masks part of the shooter's head and makes it difficult to view them completely, constituting a headglitch. There are also other problems associated with doing so, such as the structure becoming unrealistic or directing movement.


In your defence, it is also not permitted to stand in front of props that have been placed to intentionally mask the colour of your playermodel so that you are difficult/impossible to see.

ExampleBad ExampleBad
head1 head2

Elevated Defences

Placed props in a base defence must always be connected to the floor of any given area. This disallows the placement of defence props on surfaces raised vertically above the floor of the property. For example, beds or kitchen counters.

A placement which is commonly confused as elevated, per this definition, is of props on the altar of the church. This is allowed. The altar is still part of the floor seeing as there is realistic and viable foot access in the form of stairs. Beds, world props, windows and the likes are all not feasible locations for props to be placed within base defences.

Keep in mind, this section of the booklet specifically applies to base defences.

Directing Player Movement

Per rule 3.6 (Elaborate Construction), props may not be placed in such a way that a player's movement is elaborately or otherwise significantly directed when traveling through.

The images below are all examples of constructions that direct movement. Movement is directed because players are forced/funneled into to walking a specific way with limited room to move:

ExampleBad ExampleBad
NewDirectedMovement01 NewDirectedMovement02
NewDirectedMovement03 NewDirectedMovement04

To avoid directing player movement, you generally want to ensure that 2 people can fit side-by-side everywhere inside your base and that there is more than one path to any areas of the base that are in use. This means that if you are not making profitable or beneficial use of an area, two people do not necessarily need to fit side-by-side in any short path that leads to it.

Below is an example of when the above does/does not apply:

ExampleGood ExampleBad
DirectedMovement02 DirectedMovement01

Placing Drugs

Drugs must be placed in locations that are accessible to players without jumping or crouching, be that through a player made or natural map structure. This includes placing drugs in the back of a vehicle. Drugs may also not be placed within within any public building or in Bazaar / Business shops.

The images below show examples of locations both player-made and in the map where placing drugs is disallowed, this is because a player cannot move or access the planter without having to jump:

ExampleBad ExampleBad
PlacingDrugs01 PlacingDrugs02
PlacingDrugs03 PlacingDrugs04

Unrealistic Structures

Constructed defences, and all constructions for that matter, must demonstrate that they obey the laws of physics to a satisfactory extent and if applicable do not harm the structural integrity of the building they are placed within.

To summarise, they must demonstrate a satisfactory degree of realism. Anything you place should be able to support itself in that position in real life. There is plenty of room for creativity so long as these criteria are met. Members of the staff team are on-hand to clarify what is and is not deemed as realistic.

A few examples of unrealistic structures would be:

  • Props placed on/hanging from the ceiling of a building.
  • Props suspended off of the ground without any support.
  • Concrete barricades stacked on top of each other.


This section will detail all of the available properties that can be purchased, categorised by their location and including a description, statistics and relevant examples of good and bad bases. These examples have been drawn over to highlight relevant details, however, feel free to use the good examples as inspiration for your own base constructions.



Slums Apartments


The Slums Apartments are a go-to choice for anyone in the property market, and for good reason! You are given plenty of space to construct effective defences and harbor all of the people possessions that you might need. With 4 total apartments to buy, you won't struggle to purchase an apartment for yourself.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
4 3 $1,925 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 3 - 2 4 - 2


ExampleGood ExampleBad
SlumsProjexPermitted01 SlumsProjexNotPermitted01
SlumsProjexPermitted02 SlumsProjexNotPermitted02
SlumsProjexPermitted03 SlumsProjexNotPermitted03
SlumsProjexPermitted04 SlumsProjexNotPermitted04


  1. Free movement is allowed and all of the spotlights (3) are a reasonable distance apart to avoid causing a headglitch

  2. Movement is very unrestricted and a player can easily access any areas of the base

  3. Free movement is, again, allowed and all of the spotlights (3) are a reasonable distance apart to avoid causing a headglitch

  4. Again, movement is very unrestricted and a player can easily access any areas of the base


  1. Movement is highly directed as a player must travel down a narrow path to access the base, there are more than 3 spotlights focused on one area (6), there is a prop placed above the furthest concrete barrier, the 6th spotlight does not demonstrate sufficient realism in how it is placed and there are a number of headglitches including to the left of spotlight 4.

  2. Movement is seriously governed as a player is forced to walk through one gap to access the base, the placement of the spotlights is also questionable and could very easily cause a headglitch.

  3. Movement is heavily directed in this base as a player must walk through one small gap, then around a bookshelf to access the base. The placement of spotlights and bookshelves has also caused two headglitches, which are circled in red.

  4. Movement is directed in this base as the player must travel through this "tunnel" to be able to access the rest of the base and cannot move out left or right until a certain point.

Regal Apartments


The Regal Apartments are a great place to set up for the more wealthy of Paralake. With close proximity to the police station, you can confide in the Regal Apartments as a safer choice and can reap the benefits of having direct access to Paralake's banks and other services. The Regal Apartments are spacious enough and offer a number of spots to peak and defend from, just be weary that you are allowing undirected movement; especially in the bedroom!


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
5 3 Apartments 1-4: $2,750 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - Apartment 5: $3,850 4 - 2 4 - 2


ExampleGood ExampleBad
RegalsPermitted01 RegalsNotPermitted01
RegalsPermitted02 RegalsNotPermitted02
RegalsPermitted03 RegalsNotPermitted03


  1. Entry into the bedroom is reasonably unrestricted and a player has more than enough space to freely walk through.

  2. A player is freely able to move around in this base and access any area with ease, and the spotlight and bookshelf do not cause a headglitch.

  3. There is plenty of space to travel around this base, none of the spotlights (5) cause a headglitch, there are no more than 3 spotlights focused on one area


  1. A player must travel through a restrictive path to gain access to the bedroom and there are concrete barriers stacked on top of each other.

  2. The placement of this wooden fence, shifted to the right slightly, causes a headglitch shown in the area highlighted red.

  3. When entering the base, the player is forced to move one way as opposed to having free movement.

The Office


When looking for a property that will house the biggest organisations, The Office is one of your best choices. This property provides you with a large amount of space to construct your powerful defences and still have plenty of room for all your illicit needs. A tricky property to attack, you and all of your friends will feel more than safe. The Office is situated in the city, meaning all of your best services are just a short walk down the road.

One common misconception when it comes to The Office is that if you leave fire escape unobstructed, you are permitted to block off either the elevator or the stairs. This is wrong. The stairs and elevator count as one entrance and both must be left unobstructed.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 5 including the roof $19,250 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 6 - 5 10 - 4


ExampleGood ExampleBad
OfficePermitted01 OfficeNotPermitted01
OfficePermitted02 OfficeNotPermitted02
OfficePermitted03 OfficeNotPermitted03
OfficePermittedNew04 OfficeNotPermitted04


  1. Movement is very clearly unobstructed and the spotlights (3) do not cause any sort of issues.

  2. Movement is freely allowed with plenty of space to traverse this room and the spotlights (2) do not cause any sort of issues.

  3. Plenty of space is given to travel this base and the spotlights (3) do not cause any sort of issues.

  4. The placement of this wide metal detector allows for two players to pass through side by side and thus movement is unobstructed when entering the base.


  1. Movement is highly obstructed in this very compact base, players are forced to walk through a small hole and then around another barricade and through a "doorway" of fences which only have space for one player to pass through at a time.

  2. The elevator has been blocked off, meaning 1/2 of the viable entrances to the office has been obstructed. Additionally, the medal detector placed at the center of the stairs means that two people cannot travel up side by side.

  3. The placement of these props from an elevated stature causes a headglitch when shooting down from the balcony. The line of sight is indicated by the markings.

  4. This cluttered base forces players to walk certain ways to reach profitable areas of the base. Also, two of the spotlights (3) and one of the fences feature a gap through which people can be shot (headglitch).

Hungriges Schwein


Hungriges Schwein is a unique and spacious property situated just next to The Office. This property is a hidden gem in the city and provides great defensive capability for any number of people.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 1 $4,950 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 4 - 4 4 - 4


ExampleGood ExampleBad
HungrigesAllowed01 HungrigesNotAllowed01
HungrigesAllowed02 HungrigesNotAllowed02


  1. This example shows an effective structure that does not direct movement or feature any concerning constructions.

  2. This picture shows two examples of places where props can be placed without it being considered elevated. As they are connected to the floor of the property, accessed by stairs, they are perfectly allowed and serve as effective defences.


  1. This example shows a base that both heavily directs movement and directly obstructs 1/2 of the required entrances to the property.

  2. The placement of the wooden fence, as seen, obstructs entry to the property and means that two players cannot enter side by side.


Business Sector

Puffer Mart


Diverse in potential usage and very spacious, Puffer Mart is a unique property situated at the heart of the business sector. It comes complete with more than enough space for you and all of your friends, the defences can sometimes be arduous to construct and effectively place but once this process is complete; you are absolutely set.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 1 $1,100 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 5 - 2 5 - 2


ExampleGood ExampleBad
PufferPermitted01 PufferNotPermitted01
PufferPermitted02 PufferNotPermitted02


  1. Players can move freely through this open structure and access all of the relevant areas with ease.

  2. Again, players can move freely through this open structure with multiple nearby ways to proceed through the property.


  1. In this example, there are two areas that do not fit two players side by side. The first one is the entrance where the player is forced to walk through either of two single metal details; the second one is just beyond the entrance on the left which explains itself.

  2. Upon entry, players are forced to walk to the left against their potential will. They are then forced to walk to either of the farthest areas of the base to proceed through the property.

Projex Apartments


With the same architecture as the Slums Apartments, you can count on the Projex Apartments being a solid candidate when choosing which property you would like to purchase. Just a walk and down the stairs from the bazaar, you've got direct access to all of the player-made shops and won't struggle to purchase the goods that you require without letting your base too far out of sight.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
4 3 $1,925 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 3 - 2 4 - 2

See Slums Apartments for examples

Moron Shipping Co.


A superb choice for any group looking to situate in the lower end of the business sector, Moron Shipping Co. will not struggle to house however many heads you can bring. The fence surrounding the entrance of the property serves as an extra layer of defence. In addition to this, good constructions will make for a very strong defence.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 2 $4,125 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 14 - 4 14 - 4


ExampleGood ExampleBad
MoronsPermitted01 MoronsNotPermitted01
MoronsPermitted02 MoronsNotPermitted02


  1. Players are given plenty of access points to the relevant parts of the building, none of the spotlights (3) cause any issues.

  2. Again, players are given more than enough space to travel this base to all of the relevant areas and there are two viable entrances (second indicated by the tick) to the main area of the property.


  1. Seeing as there is drug production/profitable usage of the side room, the door should not be blocked off. It essentially means that there is only one viable entrance to part of the main area.

  2. Two of the entrances to the property have been blocked off, leaving only one viable entry point, and the structure itself forces players to walk a certain way to access the main area of the property.

J&M Glass Co.


A very popular choice for larger groups looking to find an appropriate property, Glass Co is a fantastic building to occupy. With plenty of space for all of your goods, lots of angles to secure and masses of potential for stout defences, you will not go wrong confiding in Glass Co. Just be sure to leave two entrances to the area you are inhabiting unobstructed.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 1 $4,675 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 7 - 5 12 - 4


ExampleGood ExampleBad
GlassCoPermittedNew01 GlassCoNotPermitted01
GlassCoPermitted02 GlassCoNotPermitted02
GlassCoPermitted03 GlassCoNotPermitted03


  1. All construction in this base is perfectly spaced out and allows for free movement to any of the relevant areas.

  2. Players are given a number of options to travel this base and movement unrestricted to a suitable degree.

  3. Due to the fact that the entrances in the other room are unblocked, and the garage door is also unblocked, there are two viable entrances to the main area of this property. The constructions are otherwise spaced out and do not cause any sort of problems.


  1. Players are forced to move to the left of the "pipe" as opposed to being able to move freely around either side, two players also cannot fit through the gap towards the storage chest.

  2. Whilst the defence that we can see is perfectly fine, 3 of the entrances have been blocked off meaning there is only one actual entrance to the main area of the property.

  3. Players are forced to move to the left upon entering from the side.

Parker Building Materials Inc.


Neighboring J&M Glass Co, Parker Building Materials Inc. is another fab choice when looking for a property that can accommodate a larger number of people. With its long structure, Parker Building Materials Inc. can allow for some incredibly powerful defences and should not be shrugged off. Something to note with Parker constructions is that the garage door nearest the front door has been experiencing mechanical errors, therefore the other garage door is the only one that is functional. For this reason, no more than a segment of it can be blocked off!


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 1 $4,400 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 5 - 5 10 - 4


ExampleGood ExampleBad
ParkerPermittedNew01 ParkerNotPermitted01
ParkerPermitted02 ParkerNotPermitted02


  1. Movement is perfectly unrestricted and no more than 3 of the spotlights are directed at one specific area. There is also more than adequate space for two+ people to fit through the garage door nearest the back of the building, though it does not appear so in the screenshot.

  2. Yet again, movement is perfectly unrestricted and none of the spotlights (3) cause any issues.


  1. Players are forced to travel a deadly path with no free choice in how they move, more than 3 spotlights (4) are directed at one area and there is a bookshelf placed in the area above a concrete barrier.

  2. Another case of directed movement, players are forced to navigate this maze to enter the main area of the property.

Scrappy Joe's Trailer


Small but sturdy, Scrappy Joe's Trailer is a niche little property for a one-man army. It isn't too spacious and you will need to be careful about how you place your props so as not to direct movement, however, it can certainly work.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 2 $3,850 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 1 - 1 1 - 1

See Hicktown Trailers for examples.


Suburbs District

Large Suburban Houses


Spacious and beautiful, you can't go wrong with the Large Suburban Houses. Away from populous areas and offering plenty of room for defences, the Large Suburban Houses can prove to be very effective properties to set up in.

The Large Suburban Houses feature a number of entrances, one entrance that you should not be blocking off is the balcony door; in doing so, you are blocking off 1/2 of the viable entrances to a main area and are thus breaking the rules.

The main area of a property is defined as the area within the property where a significant portion of occupants reside and main functions of the property are carried out. This includes the area where the storage chest is located, and any area that is being used by a lot of people.

Both floors of this property are considered main areas and must have 2 entrances. This means that no more than 1 entrance to the ground floor may be blocked at any given time.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
3 7 $8,800 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 5 - 4 8 - 3


ExampleGood ExampleBad
BigSubsPermitted01 LargeSubsNotPermitted01
BigSubsPermitted02 LargeSubsNotPermitted02


  1. Players are granted perfectly free movement and none of the spotlights (3) cause any issues.

  2. Once again, players are able to move as they like through this defence without any problems being caused by the placement of any props or spotlights (2)


  1. With the balcony door blocked off, there is only one route to the storage chest (the stairs), this is not allowed. The chainlink fence also heavily restricts player movement.

  2. The concrete barricades at the front door force the player to either jump over them, or go around them. Both of which are examples of directed player movement.

Small Suburban Houses


The Small Suburban Houses are a run of the mill, reliable property. They have close proximity to the monorail, highway and bakery whilst being in a relatively quiet area. They are plenty spacious and can facilitate all of your needs, just be careful not to restrict movement when using the bedroom!


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
4 3 $5,500 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 2 - 2 3 - 2


ExampleGood ExampleBad
SmallSubsPermitted01 SmallSubsNotPermitted01
SmallSubsPermitted02 SmallSubsNotPermitted02


  1. There is space for two players to move through and player movement is not directed from the entrance to the main area of the base.

  2. It is crammed, however, two players are easily able to pass this ugly structure with plenty of space to move when approaching, it is thus allowed.


  1. This is not permitted as the metal detector does not allow two players to fit through side by side, forcing them down an elaborate and predictable pathway.

  2. This is not allowed due to it being an elevated defence, the barrier being placed atop the bed, allowing the defender to shoot down.



A very particular property, the Church is certainly an interesting one. It offers a fair amount of space for all of your needs, as well as a number of nifty locations to defend from. The pews are a problem for some, however, so long as you avoid directing movement around them, you can make perfectly viable use of this peculiar building.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 3 $2,200 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 3 - 1 3 - 1


ExampleGood ExampleBad
ChurchPermitted01 ChurchNotPermitted01
ChurchPermitted02 ChurchNotPermitted02


  1. Players entering this base have plenty of space to move freely towards the main area of the base and the spotlights (3) cause any issues.

  2. Again, players have plenty of options on how to navigate this defence to access any of the desirable areas. None of the spotlights (3) cause any issues.


  1. This construction is not allowed as players are forced to travel this long pathway to access the main area of the base.

  2. This example shows directed movement with the fence blocking the main pathway to the storage area.


Forest Area

Wood Cabins


The beautiful, detached Wood Cabins are a trademark feature of the forest area. They rest in areas devoid of all society, be that positive or negative, and serve as an effective place to make use of when hiding, carrying out business, producing or even just living. Make sure to block off all of those windows and stay frosty, you never know what's out there in the forest!


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
3 3 $4,400 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 2 - 1 2 - 2


ExampleGood ExampleBad
WoodCabinPermitted01 WoodCabinNotPermitted01
WoodCabinPermitted02 WoodCabinNotPermitted02


  1. This example is a reasonable defence with consideration for directed movement as barricades are spaced out.

  2. Again, players have plenty of options on how to navigate this defence to access any of the desirable areas. None of the spotlights (3) cause any issues.


  1. This example completely blocks off an area to the left and creates a tunnel which heavily directs player movement.

  2. This example shows directed movement with the fence blocking the main pathway to the storage area.



Heaps of land, no neighbors, a large barn house; that's what you're looking at when considering purchasing the Farm. You can be sure that you'll have enough space for all the "farm animals" and "produce" that you may want to harbor or pursue within this property.


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
1 3 $11,000 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 9 - 4 4 - 4


ExampleGood ExampleBad
FarmPermitted01 FarmNotPermitted01
FarmPermitted02 FarmNotPermitted02


  1. This example shows a spaced out base with plenty of room to access all areas with no concerning constructions such as headglitches.

  2. This is another example that shows a perfectly open base with more than enough room to navigate and no concerning constructions.


  1. This example shows heavily directed movement and more than 3 spotlights (4) directed towards one area.

  2. This example shows movement being heavily directed at the stairs; the first being concrete barriers allowing limited movement, the second being entirely blocked off which blocks 1/2 of the entrances that must be unobstructed.

Hicktown Trailers


Identical to Scrappy Joe's Trailer, the Hicktown Trailer Homes are small detached caravans that are perfect for a small operation in each. Their proximity to the lake makes also them a go-to property for fishermen, just keep your eyes on the forest and stay on guard!


Available Rooms Price (10% sales tax) Workbench Chemical Table
3 2 $1,100 Slots - Max Slots - Max
- - - 1 - 1 1 - 1


ExampleGood ExampleBad
HicktownPermitted01 HicktownNotPermitted01
HicktownPermitted02 HicktownNotPermitted02


  1. This example leaves enough space for raiders to get to the back room easily and features no concerns with regards to spotlights (2) or headglitches.

  2. This is another example which causes no concern about directed movement or headglitches.


  1. The placement of the workbench in this example, next to the barriers, means that two players cannot fit side by side through the path.

  2. This examples shows movement being heavily directed in the form of a long tunnel which players are forced to move through. It also shows more than 3 spotlights (4) directed towards one area.


Many thanks to all of the following for their contributions to the current version of the construction handbook:

Additional thanks to all of the following for their contributions to previous versions of the construction handbook on which this version has been expanded: