
Current Developers

Fredy - Coding, PLPD Online V2

StephenPuffs - Coding, Texturing

TinySlayer - Coding, PLPD Online, Perpheads Help

Bolli - Coding, Testing

Carrot - Modeling, PLPD Online V2, Testing

Lelios - Modeling, Mapping, Testing

Jyrgen - Modeling, Texturing

Maia - Coding

GP - Coding

peeps - Modeling, Mapping, Texturing

Sindarin - PLPD Online V2, Coding

Ezza - Modeling, Texturing

kasperr - Modeling, Texturing

Previous Developers

XQuality - Mapping, Texturing, Sounds/Music

Muffin - Coding

Samuel - Coding, PLPD Online

Madda - Coding

Roxie - Coding, PLPD Online, Paralake Cars Club, Modeling

Dank - Coding

Additional Contributors

Jord - Paralake Police Department

Riekelt - PLPD Online

Smudger - PLPD Online, Perpheads Help

Collier - Texturing

Tyla Jai - Texturing

Rogue - Texturing

Goonsberg - Texturing

Clarky - Map Prototyping, Testing

A1L - Extensive PLPD Online V2 Testing

phoondos - Weapon model improvements

Thanks to:

  • Hunts for creating the original PERP gamemode

  • RedMist and several others for adding many things to PERP

  • The staff team for their countless hours of dedication to administrating the server

Additional Resources:

  • TDMCars for the car models

  • Firearms: Source for many of the weapon models

  • Fire alarm sound:

  • Lots of textures (RealWorldTextures1/2): TopHATTwaffle

If you think you are missing from this list please contact Fredy



Version: 17

Created On: Sept. 12, 2021, 6:51 p.m.

Created By: Samuel

Authors: Samuel, Ayjay, Tyla Jai, TinySlayer, Clarky, Sindarin, peeps, A1L, rogue

Views: 519k
