Current Developers
Fredy - Coding, PLPD Online V2
StephenPuffs - Coding, Texturing
TinySlayer - Coding, PLPD Online, Perpheads Help
Bolli - Coding, Testing
Carrot - Modeling, PLPD Online V2, Testing
Lelios - Modeling, Mapping, Testing
Jyrgen - Modeling, Texturing
Maia - Coding
GP - Coding
peeps - Modeling, Mapping, Texturing
Sindarin - PLPD Online V2, Coding
Ezza - Modeling, Texturing
kasperr - Modeling, Texturing
Previous Developers
XQuality - Mapping, Texturing, Sounds/Music
Muffin - Coding
Samuel - Coding, PLPD Online
Madda - Coding
Roxie - Coding, PLPD Online, Paralake Cars Club, Modeling
Dank - Coding
Additional Contributors
Jord - Paralake Police Department
Riekelt - PLPD Online
Smudger - PLPD Online, Perpheads Help
Collier - Texturing
Tyla Jai - Texturing
Rogue - Texturing
Goonsberg - Texturing
Clarky - Map Prototyping, Testing
A1L - Extensive PLPD Online V2 Testing
phoondos - Weapon model improvements
Thanks to:
Hunts for creating the original PERP gamemode
RedMist and several others for adding many things to PERP
The staff team for their countless hours of dedication to administrating the server
Additional Resources:
TDMCars for the car models
Firearms: Source for many of the weapon models
Fire alarm sound:
Lots of textures (RealWorldTextures1/2): TopHATTwaffle
If you think you are missing from this list please contact Fredy