How to make an Internal Affairs Complaint

How to make an Internal Affairs Complaint For the purpose of this document "PD", "PLPD" and "Police Department" will refer to the Paralake Police Department. "IA" will refer to the Internal Affairs Division within the PLPD.

What are Police Complaints?

An Internal Affairs Complaint is a formal complaint against an employee within the Paralake Police Department. You may submit a complaint against Police Officers, Dispatchers, Secret Service Agents and Civilian Staff. Once an Internal Affairs Complaint has been submitted, Internal Affairs Command will assign Investigators accordingly. Once the Investigator has received the complaint they will begin the investigation process. Generally an investigation will be concluded within 6 days upon assignment. During the investigation, the investigating officer will submit statement requests to the defendant and any potential witnesses as well as look into any evidence provided. Once the investigator has come to their conclusion, they will write a final report which will be presented to the Complaint Committee who will decide the final outcome of the complaint.

How to submit an Internal Affairs Complaint

There a few bits of information you will need to collect before your able to make an internal affairs complaint, some of these are: 1, The officers badge number or name, this can be found on the shoulder of the officer you wish to report or on the their cruiser, or alternatively you can use their Ingame name. 2, You should have some evidence of the officer's misconduct, such as a video clip of the situation(Preferable) or any other pieces of evidence that you believe will assist investigators while investigating your complaint.

In order to submit an internal affairs complaint, you will need to head to the PLPD website ( once there go down to the section on the left hand side menu and select "Internal Affairs" and select complaints.

PLPD-2 Dashboard Image

Once you have navigated your way to the complaints page, head to the top of the page and click on the green button that states "Create New Complaint" PLPD2-CreateNewComplaint

It will redirect you to a new page, that will look something like this PLPD2-ComplaintCreator

"Complaint Target" is where you will input the officers badge number, ingame name and/or username, and select from a drop down menu that appears, this can currently only be used to select a singular officer to create a complaint against, if you wish to report multiple, you will have to make seperate complaints against the officers involved. PLPD2-ComplaintTarget

The date of the incident will be automaically set to the current date of your computer, if it did not occur on the day you are making it, click the Calender icon and it will give you a small popup calender for you to select a date from


The "What happened" section is meant to be an overview of the situation, preferablly including context to the situation that you are making a complaint on, and what had occured during that situation.

"What the officer did wrong" section is for you to explictly state what your attempting to report the officer for.

The "Witnesses" section is for you to include the names of people who had witnessed the incident, it is preferable to use ingame names rather then OOC names when filling out this field, if no one had witnessed the situation, then you can just put N/A(Not applicable)

The "Evidence" field is where your evidence of the officers misconduct will be placed, such as video clips, photographs, adminstration logs and other types of evidence can be placed, please ensure that they are publicly accessible links when submitting evidence for a complaint. This MUST be provided, otherwise your complaint will be closed within 48 hours if no evidence is provided.

"Location" is where you would put information about where the situation had occured within Paralake.

Additional Information

Click here to create a complaint

Click here to view employees

Click here to view the Internal Affairs section in the PLPD Handbook.

Click here to submit a helpdesk ticket.



Version: 4

Created On: Jan. 24, 2021, 10:29 p.m.

Created By: A1L

Authors: A1L, MiniXIII, Locksmith

Views: 2k
