Paralake Cars Club


The Paralake Cars Club is a website made by roxie that can be used to find out information about cars that you can buy in-game. You can find out information such as price and top speed. This website is very handy if you want to buy a new car as it gives you a lot more information compared to what you get in-game. Cars Club Main

Search & Catalogue

The search feature on this website allows you to search for a specific car. There are plenty of filters that are utilised in the search feature. In an advanced search, you can specify the following:

  • A car name
  • A car branch
  • A minimum & maximum speed
  • A minimum & maximum price
  • Seat requirements
  • Trunk Slots
  • If car is premium

You only need to input a value in one of them to pull up results so that you can find the car that is perfect for you. In addition to these features, you can also sort by name, brand, top speed, price, seats and trunk slots. This is useful if you have a set budget and you want to find the fastest car. For example, you would put your money in the max price box e.g. $750,000 and then sort by top speed descending. The catalogue displays every car going alphabetically. Cars Club Main Search

Cars Club Results

Individual cars

Once you’ve seen a car you’re interested in, clicking it will pull up all the relevant information for that car. You will be able to see an image of the vehicle as well. Additional information can also be found on this new page such as the upgrade cost, how much faster an upgrade will make the car and the cost to repair the car should it get wrecked. You can also add a sales tax percentage into the box on the right-hand side. Once you press the ‘Update Taxes’ button, the new price with tax will appear underneath. While this is useful, I would always recommend purchasing your vehicle when the sales tax is at 0% as it will be cheaper.

Cars Club Individual


There’s an FAQ section on the website that has answers to frequently asked questions should you need help when using the website. If that doesn’t answer your question, just utilise the forums or ask in help chat in-game.



Version: 6

Created On: May 12, 2020, 4:56 p.m.

Created By: Hayden

Authors: Hayden, Exnem, rogue, A1L

Views: 9k
