PLPD.Online is the central hub used by the Paralake Police Department. The purpose of the website is to hold all information and tools that are necessary to complete policing duties and other duties relating to the police department. You will use this website for many reasons, like applying for roles within the department, filing or responding to an Internal Affairs Complaints, contacting your Commanding Officer, and much more.
Logging in to an account on PLPD Online is very simple! All you do is press the Login button; doing so will redirect you to the Steam login page. Once you successfully login through Steam, you will be redirected back to PLPD Online, where you will see the dashboard. It's as simple as that!
Congratulations! You have entered your PLPD Online account! The first thing you will see is the Dashboard. This is the main page of the PLPD online website. You will most likely use this page the most during your PLPD career! The things you will see on this page are the PLPD Shoutbox, Recent Activity, and Announcements!!
The Shoutbox is a place where all PLPD personnel of any rank could chat with one another! Many personnel ask questions here or just generally chat about PD or anything else. Note: Make sure to follow Police Department policy and follow Community Conduct Rules, as they also apply here on the shoutbox and on the on the site in general.
Here in the Recent Activity tab, you will see recent promotions given to officers or awards that are given out to outstanding officers within the police department!
This section of the dashboard is frequently very important. The Announcements section holds messages to all officers that come from all divisions in the Police Department to let officers know what is going on at their workplace!
The Careers page will be one of the most important pages in PLPD Online and in your PLPD career. This page shows all the applications you can submit for the Police Department. How it works is that there is a summary that talks about what the application is about, and underneath the summary are the Requirements to apply for the role. If you meet all the requirements, there will be a green button that reads as "Apply". When you click on the button, it will bring you to the application process. From there, you read the questions and answer them. After you answer all the questions, you press submit. Multiple-choice application stages are normally graded automatically, but written applications require human application markers, so be patient please. When you pass or fail a stage in an application or the application itself, it will let you know in the notifications tab on the right of the top navigation bar. Advice: The tools you can use to further help you with applications are found within the Resources page located in the drop-down menu of the Information tab.
There are two Navigation menus in PLPD Online, and they are similar to some extent, but they both have some different features.
The Top Navigation bar includes many things that you can use for Quality of Life or important notifications. Such include:
Side Navigation is the navigation window you will use the most. Here you will be able to do and see the resources you need to work as a PLPD officer and advance your career as a PLPD officer. The tabs include:
Version: 2
Created On: May 12, 2020, 5:14 p.m.
Created By: McGlinchy
Authors: McGlinchy, Sindarin, JoeyThings
Views: 3k