An introduction to our staff team
The staff team is made up of volunteers who give up some of their time to ensure that the community is able to function. They have a range of responsibilities that range from server development to rule enforcement. The roles, responsibilities and powers of each rank are outlined in this document. All staff members are subject to staff complaints for misusing their powers.
The senior roles from our community from both administration and community teams
The owners are the founding members of the community who have been around since the start. They have the final say in all issues with the server, but primarily focus on server development.
The Head Administrator is in charge of the entire admin team, and has the final decision on all player and staff administration matters. As the senior administration team they are responsible for staff discipline and recruitment.
The role of a Senior Administrator is to assist the Head Administrator in their duties, such as being responsible for staff discipline and recruitment. The senior administration team also takes the lead in community basic conduct rules.
The role of the Community Manager is to help steer server development, and to ensure that players voices are being heard when it comes to relevant community decisions and plans. Community Management also are in charge of creating a positive environment within the community for players to enjoy.
Developers primary focus is creating new content and functionality for the server. This varies between developers, but includes things such as creating new models, writing new server code and maintaining websites. They have no administrative responsibilities, but can provide technical assistance in catching cheaters and ban evaders. As they are all experienced staff members, they will sometimes also perform basic administrative tasks such as deleting anything that violates the basic conduct rules.
The role of an Administrator is a highly experienced member of the staff team, who have access to additional administrative functions, and is responsible for some of the tasks of managing the staff team. Administrators attend regular meetings where they decide on rule changes and staff applications. Administrators are also responsible for handling staff complaints against low ranking staff members. They are also responsible for handling refund requests.
The largest portion of the staff team handling day-to-day administration
The role of a Senior Moderator is a Moderator who has a large amount of experience and has access to additional administrative functions. In addition to the powers of a Moderator, Senior Moderators are able to fully repair vehicles, use disguise, approve images and approve license plates. A part of a Senior Moderator’s duties is also to mentor and supervise Enforcers, ensuring that the new additions to the administrative team receive the proper guidance and training needed to become seasoned moderators.
The role of an Moderator is to make sure that players on the server are following the rules, and provide assistance to players who are encountering difficulties. They are promoted from Enforcer once they demonstrate that they are capable of managing all administrative situations. In addition to the powers of an Enforcer, Moderators are able to revive players, and ban players from the server for any length they deem suitable. Moderators also are able to see full server logs.
The Enforcer role is the first obtainable role within the administrative team. The enforcer role is an introductory role where the Enforcer is mentored and trained by a Senior Moderator ensuring that the Enforcer becomes proficient in handling their Administrative Duties. The role of an Enforcer is to ensure that players on the server are following the rules and provide assistance to players who are encountering difficulties. Alongside basic administrative functions such as renaming players, Enforcers are able to handle reports, issue bans up to one-week, give formal warnings and issue server blacklists. Enforcers also receive access to other tools to aid them in their duties such as most server logs and full forum moderation permissions.
You can apply to become an Enforcer on the forums here.
The focus of the community team is helping the player-base rather than administration
The role of a Senior Helper is a Helper who has a large amount of experience and has access to additional administrative functions. In addition to the powers of a Helper, Senior Helpers are able to use noclip, teleport and physgun other players and their props to assist in helping new players to help alleviate server staff when possible.
The role of a Helper is to assist players in their basic queries and issues that does not require intervention from an administrator. On the forums, helpers are able to moderate the shoutbox and delete posts. They should only be moderating spam posts and posts that violate basic conduct rules. On the server, Helpers are able to verbally warn or physgun players for minor rule infringements, such as running on the highway, prop trolling and driving/vehicle rules. They also are able to delete messages from chat that violate the basic conduct rules. If they see people breaking major rules, they have to create a report. Helpers are not able to issue bans or warnings. Helpers are staff members, and are subject to staff complaints for misusing the powers they are given as staff members (e.g misuse of their physgun for forum/chat administration powers). This also includes for breaking rules, which must be dealt with by a staff complaint. Breaking rules as a Helper can lead to a helper being removed from the rank.
You can apply to become a Helper on the forums here.
You may see players with roles that are not part of the staff team
Players that hold the Honorary rank are not staff members. The rank is earned by players who have made significant contributions to the community, either through development or administration work. They do not have any extra privileges, except for free premium.
Version: 11
Created On: May 9, 2020, 10:09 p.m.
Created By: SpaceShots
Authors: TinySlayer, SpaceShots, Lucius Husky, A1L, Sindarin, Tyla Jai, Oddy
Views: 4k