A detailed thread on creating reports in-game can be found here
If you believe you were infringed in such a way that it's a violation of our server rules, you can create a report in-game by pressing F6. Reports should be as detailed as possible, explaining items such as: - Events leading up to the situation - Reasons the offending party wouldn't have a reason to violate such a rule - The specific rule or section of rules that were violated
Failing to describe events in detail will result in your report being dealt pushed to the bottom of the queue, as it will most likely take more effort than other items in the list.
If you use a recording software such as medal TV or Shadowplay, you should send clips of the situation in the report. This reduces the time that your report will take.
If a report is something simpler, such as a chat violation, or unacceptable base defense, a screenshot should suffice.
If there is nobody available to handle your report or you would prefer another method of reporting a player, please view the next step.
This community uses the term 'AR' for player reports. 'AR' is an abbreviation, a shorter term for 'Action Request'. This is one of two primary ways of reporting a player if for example; They're no longer on the server, or if an incident happens in-game and there are no staff members on the server.
The first thing to do when making an AR is that you have the right and appropriate evidence towards the player that you're reporting. Ways of doing this are; Demos. You can also submit clips as mentioned in the previous section.
Next step, you should be on this page You can get here by navigating to the front page of the forums, going to Action Requests by scrolling down, then clicking 'Create Action Request' This will take you to submit a form, which will automatically use our template, with little to no hassle.
Bear in mind that you must follow the Forum Rule 2.8 if you are editing the name of your Action Request. Thread titles must be appropriate, so a title saying 'AR on X' is acceptable.
After posting your AR, messaging staff about it will not make the process faster. When replying to an Action Request that you've posted, please follow the basic conduct rules of our forums to the best of your abilities.
Our server rules - https://perpheads.com/rules.html
To find yours and others' SteamID - https://www.steamidfinder.com/
Action Requests Information - https://perpheads.com/threads/action-requests-information.45099/
Version: 6
Created On: May 9, 2020, 5:53 p.m.
Created By: SpaceShots
Authors: SpaceShots, Exnem, rogue
Views: 2k