Chat Commands

Text chat is one of the primary ways to communicate with others on the server, the other being the in-game voice chat. It can be used for simple local conversation or to execute a variety of commands.

2.9 Text Chat
Players must only use the available chat functions for their intended purpose (these are outlined in the ‘chat help’ section of the F1 menu). For example when using the /advert function players must use it realistically and for advertising purposes only. Players may not at any time attempt to bypass the OOC message limit. Organization chat is to be treated like a phone application, and as such players should be aware that other players would see them interacting in it. ‘Panic Binds’ may not be used in organization chat.

Chat Functions & Descriptions

Chat Function Usage Example
, /local Speak in-character to people nearby. [Local] Do you own this store?
, /looc Send an out-of-character message to people nearby. [LOOC] Can you send me your steam name
/ooc, // Global out-of-character chat, used for general out-of-character discussion and queries by the whole server. [OOC] Hello Perpheads!
/help Global help chat, used for asking and answering questions about the server and community. [Help] How do I sign up on the forums?
/whisper, /w Whisper in-character to people very close nearby. [Whisper] Get ready, cops just arrived.
/yell, /y Yell in-character to all people in a large radius. [Yell] Police! Hands up!
/me Describe an in-character action that you are doing or attempting. ** John checks the door of the car for damage.
/desc Describe an observation or object in the third person. The description must be realistic and truthful. [Describe] The door is deformed and scratched.
/call Speak to someone on the other end of a phone call. [Call] Come to the Slums Gas Station
/advert Paid messages broadcast to the city for in-character announcements. Use it for advertising businesses, broadcasting news and buying/selling items or services. Adverts must be formatted realistically, akin to newspaper ads and should not be used as a chat box. [Advert] Local reports suggest citizens unhappy with mayor's 2% tax increase.
/roadcrew, /rc Sends a message to on-duty road crew workers. Info such as location and description may be useful. [Roadcrew] I need a tow at the Parker Tunnel, a White GMC Vandura.
/taxi, /cab Sends a message to on-duty taxi drivers. [Taxi] Need a cab to Subs Storage
/courier Sends a message to on-duty couriers. [Courier] Can you take my package to Regals 2 instead?
/radio, /gov Government radio channel, visible to all emergency services and the Mayor. [Government Radio - Alpha 2] Responding to incident #155.
/unit Unit radio channel, visible to people in your government unit. [Alpha 2 Radio] Location?
/panic Emergency function for government officials, sends your location and an alarm to all emergency services. [Panic] Suburbs House 1 in the Suburbs [Panic]
/campaign, /cmpn Official campaign messages used to raise support before a mayoral vote. [Mayor Campaign] Vote for John Doe - a man of the people.
/broadcast, /bc Official, professional broadcasts from the Mayor's office to the entire city, used to inform the public of changes and announcements. [Broadcast] As part of my new scheme, the mayor's office is increasing taxes by 2%.
/policebroadcast, /pbc City-wide public service announcements informing on road closures and incidents. [Police Broadcast] Business St is closed due to an accident.
/firebroadcast, /fbc City-wide public service announcements informing on wildfires and health emergencies. [Fire Broadcast] A forest fire has caused Cornfield Road to be closed.
/org Communicate in-character to members of your organization. Acts as a phone messaging feature and must be roleplayed accordingly. [Organization] Where are we basing?
/roll Randomly generates a number between 1 and 100. ||Roll|| John rolls: 53
/flip, /coin Flips a coin and gives either heads or tails. ||Coin Flip|| John flips a coin and gets: Heads
/draw Draws a random card from a simulated deck. ||Draw Card|| John draws a: ♦A (Ace of Diamonds)
/die, /dice Rolls a customizable die from the player's input and produces a random number. ||Die Roll|| John rolls a 10-sided die: 1
/act This plays an animation for your character and in some instances forces your character to perform an action (e.g. drop all equipped weapons). Alternatively, the act wheel can be used to perform actions via your +menu_context bind.



Version: 7

Created On: May 9, 2020, 2:03 p.m.

Created By: TinySlayer

Authors: TinySlayer, Exnem, Tyla Jai, northnortheast, Collier

Views: 5k
